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Kelps of the genus Laminaria accumulate iodine at high concentrations, but the iodine retaining capacity can be affected by emersion and physiological stress. In this study, I2 emission into the atmosphere from Laminaria digitata and Laminaria hyperborea was compared under controlled low irradiances and temperatures. The two species exhibited different I2 emission rates as blades of L. digitata emitted I2 at rates five times higher than those from newly-grown blades (current growth season) of L. hyperborea. I2 emission was not detectable from old blades (previous growth season) of L. hyperborea. Additionally, effects of irradiance and temperature on both I2 emission into air and net I release into seawater where assessed for L. digitata while monitoring photo-physiological parameters as stress indicators. Irradiances between 30 and 120 μmol photons m−2 s−1 had only marginal effects on both I2 emission and I release rates, but physiological stress, indicated by photoinhibition, was observed. The results suggest that the irradiances applied here were not stressful enough to impact on the iodine release. By contrast, at elevated temperatures (20 °C), photoinhibition was accompanied by an increase in I2 emission rates, but net I release rates remained similar at 10–20 °C. High I2 emission rates into air and I release into seawater observed from L. digitata underpin the fundamental function of this kelp as mediator of coastal iodine fluxes.  相似文献   
在山东青岛、威海和烟台近海海域的潮间带进行采样调查,共采取36株红藻样本,对其形态学特征进行了详细的观察.结果显示,所采集的样本在色泽、大小、形态、叶状体形状等外观上均有一定差异,但部分样本间差别并不明显.同时作者采用分子系统学的方法,从藻类样本中分离了rbcL基因片段,并进行了序列分析,利用 rbcL 基因建立了分子系统进化树,对样品间的亲缘关系及多样性进行了系统分析.结果表明,本研究采得的红藻样本有很好的多样性,分别与 GenBank 中已报道的红藻门中的16个属亲缘关系较近.在青岛、烟台和威海3个海域的红藻样本呈现不同的多样性,并且同一属的样品表现出很好的属内种间多样性.  相似文献   
海底热液活动区地微生物学研究中的分子生物学技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海底热液活动区微生物生态及其相关研究一直是近年来海洋地微生物学研究的热点之一。有关发现不断挑战着人们对微生物的代谢机理、生存极限、元素地球化学循环作用等方面的传统认识。与传统的富集培养方法相比,主要基于16S rRNA基因和特征性功能基因系统的发育分析等技术为研究这一极端环境中栖息的微生物群落提供了更为系统和全面的手段。这些技术包括基因文库构建(16S rRNA和其它功能基因)、变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)、末端限制性片段长度多态性分析(T-RFLP)、荧光原位杂交(FISH)以及定量PCR等。目前,上述技术手段广泛应用于全球海底热液活动区地微生物学的研究,在丰富地球物种多样性、调查微生物参与的元素地球化学循环过程、研究微生物与矿物的相互作用以及生命起源与演化等方面取得了大量的研究成果。简要介绍了常规分子生物学技术的基本原理及其在海底热液活动区地微生物学研究中的应用现状。  相似文献   
基于线粒体基因的石珊瑚分子系统学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以广东徐闻地区常见的6科10属17种石珊瑚的21个样本为研究对象,对线粒体COⅠ、16SrRNA和mtSSU三基因片段数据进行了联合分析,并计算了属间和科间遗传距离;利用邻接法、最大简约法和最大似然法分别构建了分子系统树。序列分析结果显示,石珊瑚线粒体基因碱基构成同样具有AT偏倚特征;石珊瑚属间的遗传距离显著大于属内遗传距离,而所有石珊瑚与两个外类种群的距离均大于石珊瑚之间的遗传距离;在系统发育树中,分子系统分类结果与形态学分类阐述的遗传进化关系略有差别,暗示传统形态学分类可能受珊瑚骨骼生长可塑性限制。  相似文献   
通过nlsrDNA(nuclearlarge.subunitribosomalDNA)及nssrDNAfnuclearsmall.subunitri.bosomalDNA)的PCR—RFLP研究广东徐闻地区8科15属25种62个造礁石珊瑚样本的共生藻。结果表明,共生藻nlsrDNA的RsaI酶切基因型只存在一种,属于C系群共生藻;而nssrDNA的MobI和TaqI两种酶切都存在两种基因型。实验进一步通过PCR直接测序法得到62个造礁石珊瑚样品的共生藻ITS序列,与GenBank上的4种虫黄藻ITS序列构建Neighbor.Joining系统发育树,结果表明该区的造礁石珊瑚共生两种不同种类(亚系群)的共生藻,分别为c1亚系群与C15亚系群共生藻,两个亚系群间的遗传距离为0.019。广东徐闻地区造礁石珊瑚共生藻多样性偏低,暗示该地区珊瑚礁生态系统应对环境变化的能力可能较弱。  相似文献   
13X沸石分子筛的比表面积和孔分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白峰  马鸿文 《现代地质》2008,22(5):838-844
对利用钾长石粉水热合成的13X沸石分子筛分别进行了比表面积和孔分布测定。结果表明:13X沸石分子筛比表面积约为621.50~747.40 m2/g,总孔体积约为0.344 70~0.393 70 cm3/g;具有高比例且孔径小于2.50 nm的微孔,中-小型实验样品(SXZ-10g和SXZ-1kg)的微孔体积比例相近,为81.33%~84.70%,而扩大实验样品(SXZ-10kg)的微孔体积比例为67.90%~67.98%。13X沸石分子筛微孔的含量是决定13X沸石分子筛具有高比表面积和高效吸附性能的前提。  相似文献   
柳珊瑚分子系统发育学的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
珊瑚分子系统发育学研究始于90年代初,用于柳珊瑚分子系统学研究的主要分子标记是线粒体DNA和核糖体RNA。本文在重点介绍了柳珊瑚种群遗传多样性和柳珊瑚种上阶元系统发育学两方面的研究进展和所取得研究成果的同时,也讨论了珊瑚虫纲的系统发生关系。最后在简单引述了柳珊瑚分子系统发育学同传统形态分类学方法之间关系的同时,也对柳珊瑚分子系统发育学今后的重点研究方向做了预测。  相似文献   
Spectroscopic Characterization of Compost at Different Maturity Stages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the physicochemical and molecular changes of compost during its maturation within 60, 90, and 150 days after the composting process. Moreover, the changes were also studied in compost residues after sequential removal of lipidic compounds. Infrared DRIFT spectrometry and 13C‐CPMAS‐NMR spectroscopy indicate that the molecular composition of compost changes dramatically during the stabilization period. The most decomposable components, mainly represented by bioavailable lipidic and peptidic structures, were progressively mineralized passing from 60 days to longer periods of compost stabilization. At increasing maturity stages, the composition of organic matter underwent a progressive enrichment in stable hydrophobic and ligno‐cellulosic material. The sequential extraction of lipidic compounds allowed an improved characterization of substrates and confirmed the outlined progressive transformation of compost. Compost may well be chosen on the basis of selected characteristics for environmental applications.  相似文献   
实验研究了4A沸石分子筛经熔融盐处理后对KNO3和NH4NO3的吸持作用。结果表明:在实验条件下,KNO3处理后的4A沸石中含钾(以K2O计)15.01%,含NO-3 9.23%;NH4NO3处理后的4A沸石中含NO-3 10.78%,含NH+4 0.94%。熔融盐处理后的样品X射线衍射峰相对强度发生了变化,红外光谱中1 640 cm-1附近水的吸收带强度减弱,1 390 cm-1附近出现的NO-3离子的强吸收带及825 cm-1附近出现的NO-3离子的弱吸收带,以及热重-差热曲线中KNO3和NH4NO3的热失重和分解热效应均证明沸石中吸持盐的存在。处理后4A沸石分子筛的基本骨架结构没有被破坏,吸持盐的4A沸石对营养盐的储备大大提高,是潜在的缓释肥料。  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the influence of the Al-O-Al linkage on the P&1macr;-I&1macr; phase transition of pure anorthite (An) were carried out using two different types of structures with fully ordered (FO) and partially disordered (PD) arrangements of Al/Si in tetrahedral sites. Discontinuous changes in unit cell volumes and structure factors at the transition temperature were observed in FO-An but not in PD-An. These results show that the orders of the transitions of FO-An and PD-An are first and non-first, respectively. In both structures, the motions of the Ca atoms and the framework are strongly correlated with each other during the transition and Ca atoms dominate the system. Since high-temperature X-ray studies have shown that the transition of natural anorthite is non-first order, it is suggested that the natural anorthite has a partially disordered arrangement of Al and Si atoms. Received: 22 October 1998 / Revised, accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   
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